Empowered Nutrition

Empower yourself to feel your best

Personalized nutrition consulting for optimal-health seeking women looking to reduce inflammation & improve digestion.

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Empowered Nutrition

Empower yourself to you feel your best

Personalized nutrition coaching for optimal-health seeking women looking to reduce inflammation & improve digestion.

serving the greater Seattle area & beyond

Hi, I’m Jess

I hope to empower you with tools to reduce inflammation and make choices to live more vibrant, healthy lives.

In my twenties, I was overweight, inflamed and experienced indigestion daily. I was out of shape and disconnected from my body. A job offer brought me to Seattle and I saw this as an opportunity to make changes in my health. I started moving my body more and paying attention to what I ate. I tried many different things, learning what worked for me along the way.

Reducing inflammation by shifting to a whole foods diet low in sugar was the start to help me shed over 40 pounds. This was not an overnight process and took time. During this transformation, I became a resource for friends and colleagues; sharing nutrient dense recipes, food prep strategies, supplement or herbal suggestions, and other lifestyle tips and tricks. 

After corporate career redirection, in November 2021, I became certified as an Nutritional Therapeutic Practitioner/NTP to expand my nutrition knowledge and empower others to reduce inflammation, improve their symptoms, and reach their health goals.

Being adopted adds a layer to my drive for optimal wellness; not knowing my genetic history empowers me to shape my future as best I can. We all can have the power to change our habits and diets to shift our gene expression. We are not defined by our genetic predispositions.  

want immediate relief from bloating?

Get Your List of 10 Ways to Reduce Bloat

 A healthy gut supports stronger immunity, improved mood, clear skin, and more energy.

Bloating is an indicator that digestion is off and there are some simple tips and natural remedies to offer immediate relief and reduce inflammation.

My Approach

The Pillars for Health

Nourish Yourself

Eat more nutrient-dense, single-ingredient foods, hydrate, and move daily. Be kind to yourself & nurture yourself and your relationships. 

Practice Mindfulness

Adressing nervous system regulation is critical to lower stress and improve all body systems. Meditation, breathing exercises, tapping, chanting and yoga are examples.

Reduce Stressors

In addition to daily stress, toxins also tax the body. Ditch fragrances, choose non-toxic cleaning and personal products, and opt for organic produce.


On the Blog

Topics on my mind; supports for digestive issues, tips for weight management, recipes and other health and life hacks. 

Jessica Huard

Empowered Nutrition, LLC


Quotes on habit change

“Use decision-making to choose the habits we want to form, use willpower to get the habit started, then..allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over.” 

~ Gretchen Rubin, Author of Better Than Before

“With the same habits, you’ll end up with the same results. But with better habits, anything is possible.”

~ James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

~ John C. Maxwell

“The future depends on what we do in the present.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

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