Maybe you have heard that our immunity starts in the gut, but what does that mean?

The main component to our immune system, our lymphatic system, is responsible for scanning and eliminating harmful substances from our bodies. There are several localized lymphatic systems throughout the body but the largest one, accounting for 70-80% of our immune system, lives in the small intestine called GALT – Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue.  It’s function is to stand watch over the body’s barriers by communicating directly with the intestine lining where immune system interfaces with microbes, viruses, parasites, and allergens as they enter the body. 

When you support gut function, you support immunity.

‘Tis the season for all the sicknesses so it is helpful to know there are many nutritious foods, spices, adaptogenic herbs and lifestyle habits to keep the gut healthy and the immune system strong.


Reducing or eliminating processed foods and sugar is a first step to gut health. Processed foods lack nutrients, contain processed sugars, are chemically laden, & cause leaky gut and inflammation. Eating more diverse, whole foods provides nourishment for better health.

Consuming bone broth, containing minerals and vitamins from vegetables, and bones, and high in protein, supports gut integrity. Bone broth is one of the most beneficial foods to consume to restore gut health and therefore support immune system function and healthy inflammation response.

Other Nutrient-dense, immune supportive foods to incorporate into your cooking this time of year include:

  • Allium vegetables – onions and garlic have anti-viral, antioxidant and anti-microbial properties
  • Apples – fruit highest in quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Ginger – supports healthy digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Fennel – fennel supports digestion, reduces gas and overall great for the gut. Here is a crunchy and refreshing winter salad to try.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms – Contains a fiber called beta-glucans which act as mushrooms immunity. When consumed, these beta glucans fortify your own immune system!
  • Kiwis, strawberries, peppers, Cranberries, and citrus are all high in Vitamin C.
  • Turmeric, Thyme, Sage, Oregano – all have anti-inflammatory properties to soothe the gut

Lifestyle –

  • Hydration with electrolytes – water keeps the lymphatic system moving well and allows for efficient detox.
  • Movement – moving your body is moving your lymph and allowing immune system to work more efficiently.
  • Meditation or mindfulness practice to support body to return to rest and digest state.
  • Sauna – classic or infrared sauna is excellent for detoxing and the heat mimics a fever increasing white blood cell release into system to fight pathogens.
  • Sleep – poor sleep is a stress on every body system 

Herbal support

  • Astralagus – powerful root full of antioxidants, antiviral antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Echinacea – i like drinking as tea
  • Elderberry, but most have corn syrup or tons of sweetener. Seattle Elderberry is organic and natural 
  • Reishi and Turkey Tail mushroom supplements – as with shitake mushrooms, these both contain powerful beta-glucans that support and adapt with the body’s own immune system.
  • Propoilis spray – Bee propolis, bee glue, is rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals and is used to protect bees from illness.

 Supplement support: Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamins D & K and Complete Omega with 3, 6 & 9.

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