I prioritize nutrition and optimal nourishment for the body over discussions about weight or weight loss. However, I recognize the serious health implications associated with being overweight, a concern shared by many individuals. Obesity, affecting 40% of adult Americans, stands as an epidemic demanding attention.

The prevalence of discussions surrounding Ozempic and similar medications is palpable. Oprah’s recent controversial show, where she disclosed her use of Ozempic to shed recent pounds, underscores the widespread attention these medications receive. In 2023, Novo Nordisk saw combined sales of about $21.1 billion from Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy, accounting for nearly two-thirds of their revenue, marking an 89% increase from 2022. While these drugs have become a popular choice, they offer only a temporary solution. However, there are alternative methods to achieve weight loss and strength without reliance on medication.

As someone over 45, I understand the struggle faced by many women who find themselves trapped at their current weight, experiencing weight gain more readily and grappling with stubborn belly fat. Hormonal changes can slow metabolism, contributing to weight gain. Much of this metabolic slowdown can be attributed to muscle loss and decreased physical activity.

In the past 15 months, I have shed 15 pounds through a commitment to weight training, prioritizing protein intake, and incorporating fasting into my routine. These adjustments have not only transformed my body composition but have also boosted my energy levels and feelings of satiety. Below are the five key areas that have catalyzed my transformation over these past months.

Walk 10 K steps most days.

Many of us have heard about the power of daily walking, and numerous studies, including a comprehensive one published by the National Institute of Health, have detailed the many ways in which walking benefits us. According to this study, “The evidence overwhelmingly supports walking as a powerful anti-aging intervention that can reduce the risk of chronic age-related diseases such as CVD, hypertension, T2D, and cancer. Walking also improves pain and function in musculoskeletal disorders, promotes sleep and mental health, and increases resilience.”

Although the recommended target for steps per day continues to change, personally, walking 7,500-10,000 steps most days has been instrumental in my weight loss journey. My current job keeps me moving and on my feet, making it easier to reach this goal, although I acknowledge that this is not the case for most people. Incorporating “snack” walks throughout the day is a great way to tally up the steps. Three 10-minute walks after each meal not only break down your daily movement goal into manageable chunks but also help regulate blood sugar levels.

Lift Weights 3x/week.

Olivia Amitarno, the creator of the herbal wellness line Organic Olivia, also hosts the podcast “What’s the Juice.” She embarked on a journey to address her insulin resistance, and help with weight loss. On her doctor’s advice, began lifting heavier weights. On her podcast, Olivia welcomed her personal doctor, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, where they explored the transformative benefits of muscle-building for longevity, weight management, and blood sugar regulation. This episode reshaped my perspective on protein consumption and sparked a desire to engage in weightlifting and strength-building exercises. Here is a link to the episode.

Rachael DeVaux of Rachael Good Eats is a Seattle local, registered dietician, cookbook author and fitness expert. I downloaded one of her first strength guides which offered an at-home option for lifting weights. I found the guide effective and helped me to build confidence and strength, leaned me out and created definition. Here is a link to RGE strength guides. Other free resources are available on YouTube, and Instagram. It also may be wise to invest in some sessions with a trainer to support form and advise on best exercises for your personally.

I also made a commitment to myself, if I was watching TV, I would be lifting or stretching. A form of habit stacking and a balance of doing something good for myself while doing something mindless. 

Prioritize Protein.

I started hearing more about the importance of increasing protein intake and its role in combating aging, supporting weight loss and bone health. After listening to the podcast linked above, I made a concerted effort to focus on reaching a target of 100 grams of protein per day, although I don’t achieve this daily. Lyon suggests aligning the grams of protein consumed with your ideal weight. For instance, if I aimed to weigh 140 pounds, I should strive to consume 140 grams of protein daily.

Protein serves as a vital building block for our bodies, found in our muscles, bones, skin, hair, and nearly every other body part or tissue. When we consume protein-rich foods, we nourish all aspects of our body. Protein aids in muscle building, which not only contributes to bodily structure but also facilitates the processing of excess glucose in the blood, thereby managing blood sugar levels and potentially yielding numerous beneficial downstream effects.

Here is a post about protein-rich snacks and tips on incorporating more into diet. And another one from Rachael Good Eats.

Incorporate Fasting.

I learned about autophagy when I did the CLEAN cleanse 10+ years ago, so the concept of giving the body time to self-repair with water fasting made sense to me. When we put the body through stress, it reacts with a healing response. During the last 15 months, I have paid closer attention to my fasting window to reset, manage weight, and support hormone health.

Intermittent – most days, I maintain a 16 hour fast. Some days are longer, some are shorter fasting windows. I listen to my body’s hunger cues. The longer time between meals, allows for many impressive, healing processes to occur. 

Most common window target 14 to 16 hours. Between 12-16 hours fasting, body is making energy by burning fat, and ketones flood the bloodstream. Cells move into a state of repair, liver continues to break down more fat. This window of fasting is easy fasting cycle to fit in most lives. Intermittent fasting yields quick results. It helps with weight loss, brain fog and can lead to increase of energy.

3-day water fast – This is something new I tried this year. I had a virus that was hanging on in my body and I came across a 3-day water fast challenge hosted by Mindy Pelz, who wrote the book Fast Like a Girl, and is an expert in fasting methods for women. I was inspired by her message and the amazing reset that can happen in 72 hours. After 3 days, the gut is reset, viruses eliminated, hormones regulated and there is a surge of stem cells throughout the body. 

Keep a Healthy Home

I control what I can control and keep my house safe from chemicals, seed oils, and processed sugar. This has been a focus for several years and not a new change, but something that continually supports me to feel my best.

  • Eat organic (especially the dirty dozen)
  • Focus is eating variety of proteins, fruits, and vegetables; whole/single ingredient foods.
  • Avoid products with canola, soy, corn, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, rapeseed oils. Seed oils are highly processed with heat and chemicals, leaving them volatile leading to oxidative stress in the body. 
  • No products with added sugar. If I am having something sweet, I prefer it is  intentional. I enjoy dark chocolate, and some dried fruit. Most often, if I want a sweet treat, I make a paleo option at home. 
  • Limit processed carbohydrates in my house. Ezekiel bread, homemade/bakery sourdough, seed crackers, rice cakes, rice, and quinoa are in my pantry.
  • Low dairy consumption. I will enjoy Goat Kefir, grass fed or raw cheese, & parmesan.
  • Make most of what I eat. Limit packaged foods, takeout & food delivery.

Moving more, adding weights, prioritizing protein, and incorporating longer fasting windows were primary tools that helped me lose weight, tone and tighten in the past many months in addition to keeping a clean and healthy home. I hope reading about these shifts that have brought me success, may empower you to make choices to support your goals.

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