One of the pillars of health is to reduce toxins, which will reduce overall stress on the body. Toxins are all around us in home cleansers, scented candles, body products, pesticides, processed foods, and air pollution etc. We must find ways to support the body’s natural detox systems to support total health. Our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins through our lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines and through our skin. The average surface of our skin is approximately 23 square feet, making sweat therapy, with infrared sauna, an effective way of detoxing.

In addition to supporting detox system, exposure to high heat creates a good kind of stress in the body. This stress leads to increased cellular repair, improved heart health, and enhanced stress tolerance, among other physiological benefits.

Traditional Heat Therapies

Sweat as a self-care ritual is sacred and common in other parts of the world, most revered in Finland where 95% of population sauna once a week. Russian Banyas, Japanese Onens & Sentos, and Turkish Hammams are some examples of sweat therapies used to benefit cultures for generations. 

There are two types of saunas, classic Finnish, and Infrared. Finnish style is heat source generated, reaching higher temperature whereas Infrared Sauna heat comes from a light source and more deeply penetrates the skin. More studies have been done on classic sauna benefits, but infrared light saunas have shown similar benefits and are available in more metropolitan cities. More people are adding saunas to their homes in either cabins, mats or other tent-like structures to reap many benefits.

Infrared sauna benefits: 

  • Supports heart health:
    • Dilates blood vessels/basal dilation which reduces as we age
    • Increases blood flow and blood oxygen levels
    • Improves heart rate variability
    • Lowers blood pressure
  • Sweat mobilizes toxic release, eliminating toxins & heavy metals. When we detox, we lower overall toxic load, reducing inflammation.
  • Relives stress, promotes relaxation & releases endorphins.
  • Improves skin surface pH and water-holding capacity.
  • Supports immune health by mimicking fever and activating innate immune system.
  • Heats deep into tissues and eases joint pain & stiffness and provides muscle pain relief.
  • Enhances mitochondrial resilience – mitochondria are responsible for creating energy.
  • Mimics the sun and helps balance all the blue light to which we are exposed.
  • Improves sleep.

5 tips for a super sauna experience:

  1. Hydrate before, during, and after your sweat. Electrolytes are minerals, found in salt, that electrify water to better be absorbed by cells and help with waste & toxin elimination. We lose minerals in sweat which must be replaced. A pinch of sea or Himalayan salt, or Redmond’s real salt in water is my daily ritual, but there are packets available for on the go hydration. Brands I like: Trace MineralsLyte ShowCure, or Flavcity
  2. Add natural medicines with aromatherapy made of essential oils. Pores are open when sweating and eliminating toxins. During this time, the skin is also a pathway directly into blood, transporting healing benefits of essential oils.
    • Lavender – bolsters the activity of some of the body’s most potent antioxidants, including glutathione, which is involved in tissue repair and immune function. Putting a few drops in diffuser every day may help overall health.
    • Eucalyptus – used to relieve pain, a potent antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory oil. Diffuse a few drops to reap the benefits, but especially supports respiratory health.
  3. Experience red light therapy and infrared sweat sessions earlier in the day, mimicking the morning sun and its benefits. This helps to regulate circadian rhythms.
  4. Pair other positive self-care habits with your sauna experience like listening to a soothing frequency (432 & 528 HZ come up consistently as best for stress relief,) a guided breathing exercise or meditation.
  5. Rinse off afterward to remove toxins from the skin so they are not reabsorbed.

Infrared Sauna near you?

If you are in the Seattle area, check out City Sweats for a clean, efficient infrared sauna experience! Other heat & hydrotherapy options in the Seattle area include Banya 5 and Olympus spa. The most extensive spa experience I ever had was at Sojo Club. If you are in the NYC area, it is a MUST stop!

There are some possible risks, however, such as dehydration, dizziness and nausea, possible EMF exposure & limited research. 

*Please consult your doctor before trying anything new in your health plan.

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