Cortisol is our body’s stress hormone released by the adrenal glands which sit on top of the kidneys. It is a glucocorticoids, a type of steroid hormone which helps suppress inflammation in all of your bodily tissues. They control metabolism in muscles, fat, liver, and bones and affect sleep-wake cycles. Cortisol is a necessary and important hormone to survival but with exposure to chronic stress, people can get into a state in which cortisol levels stay elevated and they cannot return to a state of rest and relaxation. It is crucial to understand how we can manage and naturally lower cortisol levels and help manage stress.

Cortisol is important for many of the body’s functions:

  • Regulating your body’s stress response.
  • Helping control your body’s use of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates metabolism
  • Suppressing inflammation
  • Regulating blood pressure
  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Helping control your sleep-wake cycle.

It is activated when our brain interprets danger and puts us in a fight or flight state. The body does not know the difference between a deadline and running from a bear. High cortisol levels over weeks or months can lead to inflammation and a host of mental and physical health problems, from anxiety to weight gain to heart disease.

20 ways to reduce cortisol

  1. Sleep, sleep, sleep, Sleep hygiene: rituals to help unwind at the end of the day
  2. Spend time outdoors
  3. Stay hydrated
  4. Mindfulness practice, journal, gratitude, meditation
  5. Breathe
  6. Limit caffeine intake
  7. Limit alcohol 
  8. Exercise, but not too much
  9. Set limits/boundaries on work
  10. Consume a healthy, balanced diet
  11. Grounding
  12. Recognize stressful thinking
  13. Fun and laughter
  14. Engage in creative projects and enjoy hobbies
  15. Maintain healthy relationships
  16. Clear and clean living space
  17. Remove guilt
  18. Practice forgiveness
  19. Remove toxins from house: skincare, body products, cleaning supplies
  20. Care for a pet

Adaptogens, herbs and supplements for stress reduction


  • Magnesium– stress saps magnesium and most people are deficient due to stress, poor diet or digestive issues 
  • Fish Oil/Fatty acid balance
  • Vitamin C – powerful antioxidant  
  • B12 & Folic acid

Herbs for stress and central nervous system, relaxation and sleep. Most of these are available as teas. My favorite brand is Traditional Medicinals. Herbal teas are an excellent way to get herbal medicine every day.

  • Lemon Balm – reduces stress and anxiety, supports sleep, eases digestive discomfort
  • Chamomile – supports sleep and digestive health
  • Holy Basil also known as Tulsi contains terpenes that lower cortisol and reduce stress. 
  • Passion Flower, Skullcap & Valarian – look for these herbs in the Nighty Night tea and other relaxing tea blends.
  • Ashwaganda – potent adaptogen that has a balancing hormones which in turn has a balancing effect on stress, anxiety and depression
  • Rhodiola – a hearty herb helps you to be more adaptable, hep deal with stress and balance hormones.
  • Lavender – recognized for centuries for therapeutic value, it is the most widely used essential oil in the world. Diffuse, apply to skin with carrier oil or use an eye pillow sachet to experience relaxing benefits of this herb. 
  • Turmeric – this root has been used to combat inflammation due to carcumin, helping to nourish and move the blood speeding healing. Kava, St John’s wort, Gotu Kola, and Maca root also have soothing benefits.
  • Kava, St John’s wort, Gotu Kola, and Maca root also have soothing benefits.

Though there are many causes for increased cortisol, there are also many tools available to you to help lower naturally. I hope you consider incorporating some of these tools into your daily routine and feel the positive impacts.

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