by empowerednutritionntp_dowpee | Nov 16, 2022 | Mindfulness, Stress
Stress management and mindfulness is critical to overall health because stress is a root cause of so many health issues and it is something we all deal with daily. There are countless stresses that we cannot control, but what we can control is our response...
by empowerednutritionntp_dowpee | Nov 16, 2022 | Gut health, Nutrition information
Maybe you have heard that our immunity starts in the gut, but what does that mean? The main component to our immune system, our lymphatic system, is responsible for scanning and eliminating harmful substances from our bodies. There are several localized lymphatic...
by empowerednutritionntp_dowpee | Oct 25, 2022 | Recipes
I love this cozy seasonal paleo protein apple cake with nutrient dense ingredients and low added unrefined sugars. Protein content is boosted with collagen powder and hemp seeds and added fiber from ground flaxseed. Adapted from Laura Lea, The Balanced Cookbook Method...
by empowerednutritionntp_dowpee | Oct 25, 2022 | Digestion, Gut health, Nutrition information, weight management
Fermented foods contain probiotics which are microorganisms that feed good gut bacteria. The process of fermenting is an ancestral process used to preserve foods. Most cultures have their own special fermented foods; Germany is known for sauerkraut, Japan has...
by empowerednutritionntp_dowpee | Oct 14, 2022 | Digestion, Gut health
Eliminate seed oils and you will reduce inflammation and improve your overall health. Seed oils are cheap, ubiquitous and removing them from your diet can lead to weight loss and overall improved cellular health. If you grew up in the 80s and 90s, fat-free was the...